Good day,
I'm Fabrizio Baldinini from ITALY
I have this sort of problem:
I used avr_gcc (installation file avrgcc_freaks20011214a.exe)
with avr studio 3.56 and I had no problem,
now I begin to use WINAVR,
I can't compile the same project because the compiler tells me !!
C:\WinAVR\bin\..\lib\gcc-lib\avr\3.3\..\..\..\..\avr\bin\ld.exe: region text is full (secondo.elf section .text)
I think this is due to the size of the program;
I compiled in a good way a sorter project but secondo.hex is 20K
it was 8K with avr_gcc !!!
is something in the makefile that can hel me ?
I thank you very much
F. Baldinini
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