%% "J. Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  jg> Are the make/tests working ok at present?  I am testing with the
  jg> latest CVS code.  Using MSYS/rxvt as my shell environment, perl
  jg> v5.6.1 compiled for msys.

They work for me on all the UNIX boxes I've tried.

  jg> Might be an idea to change test_driver.pl's use of diff to be
  jg> independent of white space? "-w" could be added if you think this
  jg> is suitable?  (I changed this locally to try and stop the test
  jg> reporting different output).

First, there is no portable option to diff that ignores whitespace.
Many versions of UNIX diff don't have such options, and GNU diff isn't a
requirement for being able to build and test GNU make.  Second, -w isn't
what you want anyway because that ignores all white space, so that
"foobar" is the same as "foo bar".  I don't think that's correct.  -b is
better: it means that "foo bar" is the same as "foo bar".  Third, it's
quite possible that some of the tests rely on being able to distinguish

And finally, there's no _reason_ why you should have to do this.  There
should be no whitespace differences in the output.

  jg> I compiled the gnumake.exe using build_w32.bat with the latest CVS
  jg> source code. I then copied it to somewhere in my path as make.exe.

  jg> Also "c:\bin\make.exe" is deleted by this script for some reason
  jg> unknown to me.  Perhaps the "purify" code in the report is
  jg> removing make.exe ?

Why is the Purify code being invoked?  It shouldn't be, unless you asked
for it--which you shouldn't do if you don't have Purify.

  jg>                               GNU Make %VERSION%

Note that you haven't set the version.

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Find some GNU make tips at:
 http://www.gnu.org                      http://make.paulandlesley.org
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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