On Sun, Aug 29, 2004 at 01:44:48AM -0400, Paul D. Smith wrote:
> %% Dan Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   dj> The messages on submakes aren't perfect.
>   dj> make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp'
>   dj> make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp'
>   dj> You mean "starting submake 1" and especially "ending submake[1]".
> I don't understand your comment.
Maybe I did :-)

This message appear when you do:
make -C some/dir

When using recursive make files you almost always uses 'make -C ...'
so the original writer get the impression this is something printed
only for make invoked from within make.

What it tells is that
make enter directory 'xxx' and uses normal rule-set to find a Makefile.
Pretty clear when know the make machinery.

And too many programs are dependent on this message for it to
just change wording a bit.

>   dj> In fact, if one did
>   dj> bla:
>   dj>         make a& make b&
>   dj> then they would both be [1],
> Yes, because both of them are direct submakes of the top-level make.
> If you want to get up to two you have to have a sub-submake (the top
> level make invokes a make which invokes another make).
>   dj> so maybe even mention PID's.
> I don't see what PIDs have to do with anything.
To be able to distingush between two different make instances?
It's anyway insane^Wunsafe to have two make's running in parallel in same dir.


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