%% Sachin Mahishi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  sm> I am getting the following error while installing the kannel 
  sm> gateway..the error is posted below..

This mailing list is for bugs in or problems with GNU make.  If you're
having a problem configuring or installing a software package other than
GNU make, please contact the support media for that software, whatever
that is.  Often this information will be contained in the README or
INSTALL or BUGS or similar files that come with the source code, or else
look on the homepage for the software on the web.

Good luck!

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Find some GNU make tips at:
 http://www.gnu.org                      http://make.paulandlesley.org
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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