Follow-up Comment #4, bug #106 (project make):

You are correct, Jeff: make does actually have enough information to generate
a more correct error message.  However, the patch you've applied is, I think,
too generic.  There are some situations while expanding where you DO want the
line number in the file and not the one associated with the variable.  For
example, consider a variable that expands to a warning or error: with this
patch the linenumber printed will be the one where the variable was defined,
not where it was used, which seems less useful.

However, we can easily adapt the code into a better solution: the problem is
we have only one variable, reading_file, when we need two: one that holds the
current location in the file and the other that holds the current variable
location.  Then, depending on the type of error that's being generated, we
can pick the right one to use.  Errors related to expanding variables would
use the variable context.  I can't implement this pretty quickly.


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