On 2007-10-13 16:37Z, Paul Smith wrote:
> I'm considering switching from CVS to another form of SCM.  Currently,
> Savannah supports (in addition to CVS) GNU arch and GIT.  If SVN were
> supported I'd probably go for that, because (a) it has great support for
> alternative OSs like Windows, etc.; and (b) GNU make development is
> currently straightforward enough that the advanced features of GIT
> (advanced merging and peer-to-peer development) aren't critical.
> However, SVN is not an option

Although the FAQ
says SVN isn't available yet, that page was last edited six months
ago and seems out of date in light of this post by one of the
savannah hackers a month ago:

| savannah offers subversion as beta test (for information, I used it
| for 1 month now without any problems). But savannah offers git and
| arch too. So you have choice.

I'd guess this is the savannah svn repository he's referring to:
in case anyone wants to see a concrete example.

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