Follow-up Comment #1, bug #22442 (project make):

I'm not sure your reading of POSIX is correct.  It says:

Inference rules can be redefined. A target that matches an existing inference
rule shall overwrite the old inference rule. An empty rule can be created with
a command consisting of simply a semicolon (that is, the rule still exists and
is found during inference rule search, but since it is empty, execution has no
effect). The empty rule can also be formatted as follows:

rule: ;

where zero or more <blank>s separate the colon and semicolon.

To me this seems to reaffirm make's behavior: the rule exists and is found
during inference rule search, but execution has no effect.

I think you can get the behavior you want by some combination of removing
suffixes in .SUFFIXES, and perhaps changing the order in which they appear.

If not can you provide a simple test case?  You can dummy out the actual
compilation with touch and cp etc. commands.


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