> Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 20:19:39 +0400
> From: "Vitaly Murashev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I found a bug in GNU Make 3.81 on MS Windows. So let me discuss it and
> suggest a patch.

Thanks.  Your code is generally OK, but, unless I'm missing something,
it has a few deficiencies:

  . It doesn't add an explicit drive letter to file names such as
    "/foo/bar", and generally treats such names incorrectly.

  . It doesn't produce fully qualified file names from drive-relative
    names such as "d:foo/bar".

  . It assumes Windows file names use only `/' as directory separator
    character, while in reality there could be `\' as well.

Apologies if I misread your patch (I didn't really try to apply and
use it).

Thanks again for working on this.

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