In data mercoledì 2008-09-17 14:26:33 +0000, Dave Korn ha scritto:
> Follow-up Comment #5, bug #18617 (project make):
> I would like to draw the attention of everyone in this thread to
> "Remake - GNU Make with comprehensible tracing and a debugger"
> I find it an invaluable enhancement to make when debugging complex makefiles
> full of generated code.  Give it a try: you won't look back once you've
> discovered how much easier life is when you can single-step through the source
> of a makefile, set breakpoints, inspect variables and see the return values
> from called functions.

I tried it and I found it awesome.

BTW what is the problem with integrating it into mainline make?

Having to use make for real compilation and having to use another tool
for testing/debuggin is rather brittle...

> Stefano:
> "It doesn't tell which the implicit rule is", are you sure?  The trace shows
> > Trying implicit prerequisite `assert.cxx'.
> > Found an implicit rule for 
> >
> `/home/stefano/src/reilabs/flash2sip/contrib/src/ptlib_2.2.1/lib/obj_linux_x86_r/assert.o'.
> Therefore the implicit rule it is referring to must be of the form
> %.o: %.cxx 
> mustn't it?

Yes, but yet again it would be nice also to see *which* is the
implicit rule used, rather than leave the user having to guess it.


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