(Re-adding list.)
> First run
> Second run
Make is run three times, once by the human, twice by the makefile.  I'm not 
sure what you mean with this numbering.  I think you mean the first and second 
runs of the echo command in the do-echo rule but please correct me if I'm wrong.
> These can clearly be seen in your output.
I'll reproduce the two lines of echo output here for clarity:
VAR=foo VAR2=bar VAR3=foo
VAR=bar VAR2=bar VAR3=bar
> if in the first run VAR3 can pick up the value "foo", indicating
> that VAR is also "foo"
In the first line that I quote above, which is produced by a child of the 
second make invocation - the one tasked with building var1 - VAR3 is evaluated 
during the invocation of the do-echo rule as a prerequisite of the var1 rule.  
>>   There is one more special feature of target-specific variables: when
>> you define a target-specific variable that variable value is also in
>> effect for all prerequisites of this target
This means that var1's target-specific assignment of foo to VAR is in effect.
VAR3 is defined using deferred evaluation - "=" rather than ":=" - so the 
right-hand side of the assignment is deferred to evaluation-time.  At 
evaluation time, as we've seen, the right-hand side - "$(VAR)" - is "foo".
> why does the statement ifeq($(VAR),foo) fail?
That statement is evaluated during an earlier phase of make's execution.  It's 
not reevaluated for every target.  At the time, and in the scope, when it was 
evaluated, $(VAR) was unset, hence empty.
-----Original Message-----
From: Szekeres István [mailto:szeke...@iii.hu] 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 14:50
To: Martin Dorey
Subject: Re: conditionals not working for conditional variables in sub-make?
2009/5/7 Martin Dorey <mdo...@bluearc.com>:
>> VAR become foo when the "var1" rule was executed.
>> it reevaluates because of the explicit "make" commands in the "all" rule.
> Think about the order in which those two things happen.
> The second one happens before the first and hence doesn't see the first's 
> effect.
> A thought experiment might help you to see the light.  Imagine in the "all" 
> rule, that instead of running "make var1", you ran 
> "a-script-which-happens-to-invoke-make-var1".
Sorry I am still not convinced.
First run: VAR=foo, VAR3 picks up the value of VAR, becoming also foo, correct.
Second run: VAR=bar, VAR3 picks up the value of VAR, becoming also bar, correct.
Can we agree that these two statements are OK? These can clearly be
seen in your output.
BUT: if in the first run VAR3 can pick up the value "foo", indicating
that VAR is also "foo", then why does the statement ifeq($(VAR),foo)
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