On 3/2/2010 2:45 AM, Edward Welbourne wrote:
I've been struggling for some time now with how to write rules for commands that generate multiple targets

A familiar and annoying problem: make really believes in commands that
generate just one (relevant) file, and doesn't fit so well with ones
that generate several.
And yet, pattern rules do have such support. I'd love to see a syntax added to enable static multiple target rules. Since parenthesis are already treated specially in target names (for archive rules), perhaps a syntax like the following could be used without harming backward compatibility.

   (y.tab.h y.tab.c y.output): grammar.y
       yacc -d -v $^

The next thing to try is using a proxy or timestamp file:

   yacc.ts: grammar.y
       yacc -d -v $^
       touch $@

   y.tab.h y.tab.c y.output: yacc.ts

A quarter of an hour after reading your mail, I had a mildly perverted
idea: instead of a touch-file, use a tar-file !  The problem you point
to is when the touch file exists but the files we want don't: we need
a command for the rule that declares their dependency on it; and that
command needs to be able to generate the outputs from the fake file.

    yacc.ts: grammar.y
        yacc -d -v $^
        tar cf $@ y.tab.h y.tab.c y.output

    y.tab.h y.tab.c y.output: yacc.ts
        tar xf $< -m $@

Note the crucial -m in the extracting tar, so that we touch the
outputs after the tar-file has been created, thereby avoiding
re-extracting every time we run make.

Not sure how well that'd work but it *looks* like it should ... and it
should generalise reasonably well.  Unfortunately I can't, just yet,
see how to turn it into a pattern rule for general .y file processing,

Nice idea! I like this much better than the workaround I had used involving $(shell...) and removing
the time-stamp file.  The only downsides to this I see are:

1: The duplicate file storage.  Probably not a big deal.
2: The extra processing time to archive and extract the files. Again, probably not a big deal. 3: The "why'd they do that?" questions coming from people unfamiliar with the technique. 4: It doesn't address that nagging feeling that make should be able to support this.


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