On Fri, 2011-04-15 at 19:54 +0300, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> What about the other issue: with the fact that output from a recipe is
> only shown when the entire recipe is done.  I think this is a serious
> drawback, at least in some use cases.  Can anything be done about
> that?

I don't see how.  The entire point of this feature is that all the
output for each job is shown "together" as one group, rather than
intermixed with the output of other jobs.

I can't see how you can see the output from all jobs immediately and
still keep the output from being mixed together; that seems akin to
squaring a circle :-).

If you want the output immediately, don't enable this feature.  If you
want the output to be grouped together, then enable this feature.

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