@psmith - happens to me all the time even on good weeks. :-)


In the makefile this line is wrong:

F90  = /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.6.233

It tries to set the variable F90 to the path of the Intel Fortran 90
compiler but somehow this is a directory on your computer rather than
a program.

Later on the makefile tries to use this variable to execute the compiler:

        $(F90) $(OPT1) -o mocassin $(source1) $(LIBS)

>From a quick look at the intel website, I get the impression that the
compiler's name is "ifort".  That means that the F90 variable should
probably have "ifort" on the end - as examples:
or maybe

you could try finding it like this:
find /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.6.233 -type f -iname 'ifort'


On 5 October 2011 16:16, Paul Smith <psm...@gnu.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-10-05 at 16:07 +0100, Tim Murphy wrote:
>> Your makefile is trying to execure a directory rather than a program.
> Hah!  I didn't even notice it was a directory.  Good catch.
> I'm having a really bad week.

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