There are commercial emulations of GNU make that can handle multiple
outputs. I don't want to plug them because that might be annoying. It's
just worth mentioning that it can be done.



On 11 April 2013 11:14, Reinier Post <> wrote:

> On Thu Apr  4 16:17:58 2013, (Paul Smith) wrote:
> > This is expected behavior.  A rule like:
> >
> >     foo bar:
> >             @echo $@
> >
> > is exactly the same thing, to make, as writing:
> >
> >     foo:
> >             @echo $@
> >     bar:
> >             @echo $@
> >
> > It's just a shorthand for writing a lot of identical rules; it does NOT
> > mean that a single invocation if the rule will generate all three
> > targets, which is what you are expecting.
> Incidentally: other workflow/inference languages can express this
> distinction perfectly and still allow the resulting specifications to
> be analyzed for proper termination (e.g. safe Petri nets, Datalog);
> I'd love to know of an alternative to make that is based on such a
> language, but it seems too much to ask for make to be extended
> in this way.
> --
> Reinier
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