I have the test harness apparently working on VMS. I need to fix up the DCL command procedure that is needed set up a number of foreign
commands needed by it before submitting a patch.

If no one else is interested in immediately running the test harness on VMS, I can wait on submitting a patch until I determine what is causing all the test failures.

So far it will require:
   Perl 5.18.1 or later.
   GNV 2.1.3 or later.
   Bash 4.2.45 or later.
   Coreutils 8.21 or later.

This limits running the test harness on Alpha/VMS 8.3 and 8.4 and IA64 VMS 8.4.

"58 Tests in 103 Categories Failed (See .diff* files in work dir for details) :-("

As there appears to be 111 log files, this is just less than half the tests passing.

I still need to investigate all of these failures.

The features/archives test fails because the GNV AR utility requires real VMS object files at this time, and the test just creates some files. I will need to adjust the test setup section for VMS.

Some of the other tests are failing because the VMS sets argv[0] differently than what is expected. I have a fix from the Bash 4.2.45 port that will handle that.

3 tests timed out after 5 seconds.

Here is an example of a passing test.
EAGLE> perl run_make_tests.pl features/comments
                      Running tests for GNU make on VMS
                               GNU Make 4.0.90

Clearing /lcl_root/make/tests/work...
Making work dirs...

features/comments ................................... ok     (1 passed)

1 Test in 1 Category Complete ... No Failures :-)


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