On 04/06/2014 07:34 PM, John E. Malmberg wrote:
> Ok, so now we have the a baseline test suite ported, what is it going to
> take to get this stuff committed so that we can start working on the
> bugs that have been exposed?

I don't know who will/should answer such a question. I still have no
luck nor fun with these tests:

                      Running tests for GNU make on VMS
                               GNU Make 4.0.90

Clearing work...
Finding tests...

features.dir/archives ...................................

FAILED (0/0 passed)scripts/features.dir/archives
features.dir/comments ...................................

FAILED (0/0 passed)scripts/features.dir/comments
features.dir/conditionals ...............................

FAILED (0/0 passed)scripts/features.dir/conditionals
features.dir/default_names ..............................

OK, I can run one when I specify one, but it fails due to bash's ":":

$ make -f [.tests.work.variables]undefine.mk
recursive simple recursive
undefined recursive undefined
$ @TEST_MAKE -keep "variables/undefine"
                      Running tests for GNU make on VMS
                               GNU Make 4.0.90

Clearing work...
Making work dirs...

variables/undefine ...................................... Error running
make (expected 0; got 512): make -f work/variables/undefine.mk
Error running make (expected 0; got 512): make -f
work/variables/undefine.mk_1 "
a=a" "b=b"
Error running make (expected 0; got 512): make -f
FAILED (1/4 passed)

3 Tests in 1 Category Failed (See .diff* files in work dir for details) :-(


$ ed [.tests.work.variables]undefine.mk
   19       all: ;@continue
1 substitution

So it seems the tests still contain Unix/shell commands and not only VMS

$ make -f [.tests.work.variables]undefine.mk
recursive simple recursive
undefined recursive undefined

Or am I missing something?

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