Update of bug #42289 (project make):

                  Status:                    None => Duplicate              
             Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed                 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Duplicate of bug #17873 ...

People seem to want different things.  For example, some people want a list of
targets that can never be built in parallel with any other target, so when
make wants to build that target it will wait until all running jobs are done,
run that one job, then move on with more jobs (possibly parallel, possibly

Other people want to provide a list of prerequisites that are mutually
exclusive with each other but not with anything else (so any number of targets
could be running in parallel, but only one of the mutually exclusive targets
at a time).

Others seem to want a behavior like order-only prerequisites, but not quite,
where a prerequisite being built doesn't cause the target to be rebuilt, _AND_
building the target doesn't cause the prerequisite to be built (that is, if
the prerequisite is needed for some other reason it will be built before the
target, but building the target is not enough to build the prerequisite).


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