> From: Gisle Vanem <gva...@yahoo.no>
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 16:19:39 +0100
> I have a question regarding a GNU-make macro like this
> (which I use to link a MSVC .dll):
>   define do_link_DLL
>     link $(LDFLAGS) -dll -out:$(1) -implib:$(2) \
>          -pdb:$(1:.dll=.pdb) -map:$(1:.dll=.map) $(3) > link.tmp
>     cat link.tmp >> $(1:.dll=.map)
>     rm -f $(2:.lib=.exp) link.tmp
>   endef
> Using this as (in a Wireshark makefile):
>   wiretap.dll: $(WIRETAP_OBJ)
>      $(call do_link_DLL,wiretap.dll,wiretap_imp.lib, $^ $(EXTRA_LIBS))
> AFAICS, if the 'link' stage fails, the rule continues to the 'cat' + 'rm' part
> regardless. But from gmake's perspective all the commands succeeds (since
> cat+rm returns 0). No?
> How can I define my macro for gmake to quit on 'link' error?
> Can the macro be written into a Perl-like:
>   exec("link $args") || die "link failed";
> If so, how?

The Windows shell understands || and && between 2 commands.  I think
you already know that, so I'm quite sure I'm missing something here,
because that's the first thing I'd try.

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