On Thu, 2017-02-09 at 08:16 +0000, Raz Manor wrote:
> Unfortunately I can't send you my makefile as it gives up company IP.

I wasn't suggesting you send your makefile: we don't have the time or
energy to understand and debug an entire make environment :).  I was
suggesting you create a small sample that reproduces the problem you're
seeing and send that.

I tried to create a repro case based on your description but it worked
fine for me with both GNU make 4.1 and 4.2.1:

$ mkdir -p build/common/tests ../common/tests

$ echo 'int main() { return 0; }' > ../common/tests/timer_test.cpp

$ cat Makefile 
all: build/common/tests/timer_test

build/common/tests/timer_test: build/common/tests/timer_test.o

# -----
DEPFLAGS = -MT $@ -MMD -MP -MF $(@:.o=.Td)

POSTCOMPILE = mv -f $(@:.o=.Td) $(@:.o=.d)

build/% : build/%.o
        $(LINK.cc) -o $@ $^
build/common/%.o : ../common/%.cpp build/common/%.d
        $(COMPILE.cc) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

build/common/%.d: ;
.PRECIOUS: build/common/%.d

-include build/common/tests/timer_test.d

$ make -r
g++ -MT build/common/tests/timer_test.o -MMD -MP -MF 
build/common/tests/timer_test.Td \
  -c -o build/common/tests/timer_test.o ../common/tests/timer_test.cpp
mv -f build/common/tests/timer_test.Td build/common/tests/timer_test.d
g++ -o build/common/tests/timer_test build/common/tests/timer_test.o

$ make -r
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.

$ rm -f build/common/tests/timer_test.d

$ make -r
g++ -MT build/common/tests/timer_test.o -MMD -MP -MF 
build/common/tests/timer_test.Td \
  -c -o build/common/tests/timer_test.o ../common/tests/timer_test.cpp
mv -f build/common/tests/timer_test.Td build/common/tests/timer_test.d
g++ -o build/common/tests/timer_test build/common/tests/timer_test.o

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