On Sun, 2017-06-18 at 17:14 +0200, SF Markus Elfring wrote:
> > It would have been generated if you would have called make with a
> > command like:
> > LANG=C make --no-builtin-rules -f ../rule-check2.make MOTD.log
> I hoped that I do not need to specify another file name for such command 
> variant
> just to test a special default setting.
> > and if you had a rule to build MOTD.log
> I thought that the shown pattern rule should be sufficient.

You must tell make specifically which targets you want to build.  You
can do that either by listing specific targets in the makefile, or else
by specifying specific targets on the make command line.

Make won't go looking for any way to build any possible target that
might match any pattern rule that is defined in the makefile or by
default rule.

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