> If you are seeing these values printed multiple times it means that the
> makefile is being parsed multiple times.

How can such additional parsing be clarified further?

Will it help to display extra data from special make variables?

> Why that might be, we can't determine from the information provided.

I hope then that the following test data can be better explained.

elfring@Sonne:~/Projekte/Coccinelle/20160205/parsing_c> make clean
LEVEL 0: FLAGS : 7 modules without mli files
rm -f parsing_c.top
elfring@Sonne:~/Projekte/Coccinelle/20160205/parsing_c> LANG=C make 
--no-builtin-rules V=1
LEVEL 0: FLAGS r: 8 modules without mli files
/usr/bin/ocamllex.opt lexer_c.mll
549 states, 26116 transitions, table size 107758 bytes
15973 additional bytes used for bindings
/usr/bin/ocamlyacc -v parser_c.mly
/usr/bin/ocamldep -one-line -I ../commons -I ../commons/ocamlextra -I 
../globals -I  ../parsing_cocci *.mli *.ml > .depend
LEVEL 0: FLAGS r: 7 modules without mli files
/usr/bin/ocamlc.opt -unsafe -I ../commons -I ../commons/ocamlextra -I 
../globals -I  ../parsing_cocci  -c token_annot.mli

It seems that a recursive make is not performed in this use case.


> As always, if you can't figure out what's going on running "make -d"
> will help you more than we can.

I wonder about the information “Re-executing[1]: make --no-builtin-rules -d” 
Unfortunately, I do not recognise so far which rule triggers this action.

Which condition checks should I add?


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