Before talking about formats and graphical representation, I advise you to
ask if Paul agrees with this kind thing. I was personally very disappointed
when he rejected the profiling patches I proposed and reworked in the form
that made most sense from a practical pov, because he thought even very
simple formatting of info is too much for make to do.

Here is the bug report:

Eddy Petrișor

Pe 14 oct. 2017 10:47 PM, <> a scris:

> SF Markus Elfring writes:
>  > > A Makefile is basically a human-readable text file with instructions
>  > > on how to create executables with a compiler for example.
>  >
>  > How often do you look for a more visual representation of this content?
>  >
>  >
>  > > It has pretty much nothing to do with creating graphics.
>  >
>  > I got an other opinion.
>  >
>  > * Do you care to display constructed directed acyclic graphs
>  >   by other tools?
>  >
>  > * Are you interested in further improvements for data export variants?
>  I use graphviz.  But I work on a tool that generates the Makefiles,
>  and I can have it output a graph description alongside the Makefiles.
>  If you have onlky Makefiles, I can envision a few ways to generate a
>  graph.  This is a bit manual, but you could use order-only
>  prerequisites to dump out the dependency tree to different 'node'
>  files (consider '-j'), and post process all the node files into a
>  bigger graph.
>     all:    alpha beta
>     ALPHA_PREREQS = alpha.c alpha.h
>     BETA_PREREQS =  beta.c beta.h
>     alpha:  $(ALPHA_PREREQS) | alpha.node
>     beta:   $(BETA_PREREQS) | beta.node
>     alpha.node:     $(ALPHA_PREREQS)
>             echo "$@ depends on $^" >$@
>     beta.node:      $(BETA_PREREQS)
>             echo "$@ depends on $^" >$@
>  You may be able to get some different inspiration from "Gnu Make
>  Unleashed" section in the section called 'Making and XML bill of
>  materials in GNU Make'.
>  Essentially, you need to run Make because of the runtime processing
>  of the variables defined in the Makefiles, or you've got to interpose
>  yourself before Make and know the dependency graph already.
> thutt
> --
> The gym does not appreciate 'Row Row Row Your Boat' while one is rowing.
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