On Sat, 2019-09-21 at 12:09 -0700, Paul Eggert wrote:
> On 9/21/19 10:55 AM, Paul Smith wrote:
> > perl -we 'use File::Spec; my @o = File::Spec->splitpath("../make"); 
> > print "@o\n"'
> It outputs a single line containing " ../ make".
> Hmm, I already wrote that, in one of my comments here:
> https://lists.gnu.org/r/bug-make/2019-09/msg00101.html
> Perhaps you didn't see that email?

Nope, that was different.  I had asked you to run a different command:

> > perl -we 'use File::Spec::Functions qw(splitpath); my @o = 
> > splitpath("../make"); print "@o\n"'

and in that email you replied it output:

> A single line " ../make".

Note there is no space between the "../" and "make", which is bad; it
means that command did not work properly at all in your version.

This time I asked you to run this Perl command:

> perl -we 'use File::Spec; my @o = File::Spec->splitpath("../make"); print 
> "@o\n"'

and above you report it returns:

> It outputs a single line containing " ../ make".

Note here there IS a space between "../" and "make", which is good;
that means it worked correctly.

Thanks, that's what I needed to know!  I will convert my usage of
File::Spec to use the object-oriented version instead of
File::Spec::Functions to increase portability.

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