Follow-up Comment #7, bug #58734 (project make):

You are mistaken. My makefile describes enough of the files to allow any
non-buggy make implementation to work correctly.

If gmake does not check the state of a file before it claims that this file is
missing, then gmake is broken.

Steps to reproduce:

1) download the current state of schilytools from:

 The currently up to date file is:

2) unpack the archive and chdir to "schily-2020-07-18"

3) call "make" and wait for the compilation to finish

4) call "make install" to get smake and dmake installed in /opt/schily/bin

5) add /opt/schily/bin to your PATH

6) chdir to libshedit

7) install the attachec

8) remove symlinks and OBJ by calling:

   find . -type d-exec rm {} +

9) call "smake -f gmake\"

and see:

smake -f 
        ==> MAKING SYMLINKS in .

10) repeat step 8)

11) call "dmake -f"

and see:

dmake -f gmake\   
        ==> MAKING SYMLINKS in .

12) repeat setp 8)

13) call gmake -f GMAKE_NOWARN=true

        ==> MAKING SYMLINKS in .
gmake: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Ziel »inputc.c«, 
  benötigt von »OBJ/x86_64-linux-gcc/inputc.o«, zu erstellen.  Schluss.

So gmake is the only make implementation that complains here.

(file #49528)

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