On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 5:31 AM Edward Welbourne <edward.welbou...@qt.io> wrote:

> Rather than removing the jobserver-auth data, you could amend the
> MAKEFLAGS to includ jobserver-auth data with plainly invalid fds,

i like jobserver-auth data with plainly invalid fds, because it lets
older binaries fail on parsing jobserver-auth
and print some (hopefully useful) error message.
E.g. make itself would print
"internal error: invalid --jobserver-auth string"

> e.g. -1, as the two fds

The program could read this -1 to (for example) uint16_t and interpret
as 65535 and fail to notice the parent is not giving any fd.
i'd rather provide no fd at all. E.g.

regards, Dmitry

>         Eddy.

  • gmake and cca... Sam Varshavchik
    • Re: gmak... Edward Welbourne
      • Re: ... Dmitry Goncharov via Bug reports and discussion for GNU make
        • ... Dmitry Goncharov via Bug reports and discussion for GNU make
      • Re: ... Paul Smith
        • ... Sam Varshavchik
        • ... Edward Welbourne
          • ... Dmitry Goncharov via Bug reports and discussion for GNU make
            • ... David Boyce

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