Wait, it is a dumb question. Never mind.


On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 7:58 AM David Boyce <david.s.bo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > One possibility would be for make to write out bytes with values
> 0,1,2,3... then when it gets to 255 start over again ...
> I hope this sin't a dumb question, I've never worked with the job server,
> but hy not use the value of the file descriptor from the parent side as the
> token to send down the pipe? Still limited to 255 of course, same wrapping
> problem, but the fd is guaranteed unique and I could imagine cases where
> that data might come in handy for debugging via strace or whatever.
> David
> On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 7:37 AM Paul Smith <psm...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2021-08-13 at 14:14 +0100, Howard Chu via Bug reports and
>> discussion for GNU make wrote:
>> > I'm looking for a way to expose a job ID number to the individual
>> > jobs, in a consecutive range from 1-[number of jobs]. Not just
>> > unique numbers, for that we could just use $$ already. The purpose
>> > is to e.g. assign non-overlapping network port numbers when firing
>> > off a number of client/server test scripts in parallel.
>> >
>> > Is there anything that could do this now, exposed as a Make variable?
>> I don't see any way make can provide something like this, at least not
>> using the model it does today.  The current requirement is that each
>> read from the pipe is of exactly 1 byte and there's no way to guarantee
>> a unique value in a single byte of data if there are >256 possible
>> values of course.
>> One possibility would be for make to write out bytes with values
>> 0,1,2,3... then when it gets to 255 start over again: this would give
>> unique values for any -j <= 256 and you'd only have to worry about
>> wrapping for very large values of -j.
>> One reason I'm not excited about this idea is that I've been seriously
>> contemplating switching from the current pipe-based jobserver control
>> method, to using POSIX named semaphores instead (at least as the
>> default).  There is support for these in most systems these days, and
>> it's already how Windows works (with the Windows equivalent).  The
>> advantage here is it's just easier in lots of ways to not have to pass
>> open file descriptors between make invocations.  I could use a named
>> pipe but semaphores are more obviously built for this.  But of course
>> there's no possibility of uniquely identifying a semaphore lock.
>> The other downside of using a semaphore is I was thinking of
>> implementing a "fast fail" feature where as soon as any make in the
>> jobserver domain died all the other makes would stop quickly as well.
>>  This is something people seem to really want.  One way to implement
>> this is to write "error bytes" into the jobserver pipe when we've hit
>> "failure mode"; whenever a make instance reads the "error byte" instead
>> of the "normal byte" it would finish any outstanding jobs then stop.
>> This is pretty straightforward although it's not ideal: make can
>> potentially do a lot of work with its single token without trying to
>> read from the jobserver for example.
>> Of course a single semaphore can't help here.  If we go with "named X"
>> we'll need a directory to hold it; one idea would be to write a
>> "failed" file into that directory that all make's could check for.

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