Follow-up Comment #11, bug #52922 (project make):

[comment #10 comment #10:]
> Is there a number of ports which have gnu make specific makefiles?

Yes.  Depending how you count there's about ~30k ports and about ~4k of them
have a build-time dependency on GNU make (I searched the FreeBSD ports tree
for "USES=.*gmake").

I'm not a ports maintainer though, I work on PostgreSQL which brought me here.
 It happens to use GNU makefiles (BSD make definitely doesn't like them), and
gets built and tested after every commit on about 10 operating systems:

Before patches reach that stage, developer machines and CI systems also run on
several operating systems including Macs and FreeBSD, and it'd be nice to be
able to use eg make check-world -jN -Otarget to speed things up without
garbling the output.


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