Follow-up Comment #27, bug #48643 (project make):

i figured this change is still incomplete. There is a case when make marks
this almost-ought-to-exist prerequisite as intermediate incorrectly.

Let us say hello.tsk exists and hello.x is missing and consider

Example 6.

all: hello.tsk
%.tsk: %.x; touch hello.tsk
%.x: ;
unrelated: hello.x

make-4.3 does the following
1. Tries rule '%.tsk: %.x' for 'hello.tsk'.
2. Tries prerequisite 'hello.x'.
3. Notices that 'hello.x' is mentioned explicitly on an unrelated rule.
4. Considers 'hello.x' ought-to-exist.
5. Chooses rule '%.tsk: %.x' for 'hello.tsk'. Notice, make-4.3 has not tried
'hello.x' as an intermediate and thus 'hello.x' does not have intermediate
flag set.
6. Remakes 'hello.tsk', because 'hello.x' is not intermediate.

master does the following
1. Tries rule '%.tsk: %.x' for 'hello.tsk'.
2. Tries prerequisite 'hello.x'.
3. Notices that 'hello.x' is mentioned explicitly on an unrelated rule.
4. Considers that 'hello.x' does not qualify as ought-to-exist.
5. Tries 'hello.x' as an intermediate.
6. Chooses rule '%.x' for 'hello.x'.
7. Sets intermediate flag for 'hello.x'.
8. Chooses rule '%.tsk: %.x' for 'hello.tsk'.
9. Fails to remake 'hello.tsk', because 'hello.x' is intermediate.

Please find a fix in sv48643_exp_preqreq_is_not_interm.diff and tests in


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