Follow-up Comment #3, bug #60736 (project make):

> For one thing it causes a number of tests to fail.

> For another thing the docs explicitly say:
    > Note 'make' is smart enough not to add a prerequisite listed in
'.EXTRA_PREREQS' as a prerequisite to itself. 

Does this behavior have to be silent?

Let me present reasons for the message, since you kept the ticket open

1. This example
hello.x: .EXTRA_PREREQS:=hello.x 
has a typo.
This was supposed to be
hello.x: .EXTRA_PREREQS:=hello.y

The user keeps modifying hello.y and running make and make keeps telling the
user hello.x is up to date.
The message would help.

2. The manual says
"‘Circular xxx <- yyy dependency dropped.’

    This means that make detected a loop in the dependency graph: after
tracing the prerequisite yyy of target xxx, and its prerequisites, etc., one
of them depended on xxx again.

It looks to me that that the user reading this can expect make to report all
cases of circular dependencies.


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