On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 8:28 PM Masahiro Yamada <masahi...@kernel.org> wrote:
> build-dirs := . drivers sound net virt arch/x86/pci arch/x86/power lib
> arch/x86/lib
> subdir-modorder := $(addsuffix /.modules.order, $(build-dirs))
> $(sort $(subdir-modorder)): %/.modules.order: %

Can you remove . from build-dirs and add a dedicated rule for .module.order?
build-dirs := drivers sound net virt arch/x86/pci arch/x86/power lib
subdir-modorder := $(addsuffix /.modules.order, $(build-dirs))
$(sort $(subdir-modorder)): %/.modules.order: %; @:
.modules.order:; @:

> Make considers 'foo/bar' and 'foo/./bar'
> as different targets.

This is a deficiency in make. i opened
https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?62929 and attached a fix.
Thanks for your report.

regards, Dmitry

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