I have a feeling I may be treading over old ground here but wouldn't a
simple solution be to simply abandon fast-path for explicit $(shell ...)
invocations? After all, as Kirill says:

> The documentation of the `shell` function pretty directly states that it
will launch the shell, no exceptions, therefore, when I see an error, I
fully expect it to be coming from the shell.

There's some difference IMHO between a recipe invocation, which only
implicitly invokes the shell (leaving aside the fact that POSIX says it
does so), and a direct, specific request to invoke the shell via the
$(shell ...) function. Why not say "if you explicitly ask for the shell,
you get the shell"?

In my experience the number of explicit $(shell ...) invocations is usually
a tiny fraction of the number of recipes run. And if someone did write a
makefile in which $(shell ...) uses dominated they'd have written a shell
script in make syntax and the answer should be "don't do that".


On Sun, Oct 9, 2022 at 1:29 PM Paul Smith <psm...@gnu.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 2022-10-09 at 13:08 -0400, Kirill Elagin wrote:
> > On Sun, Oct 9, 2022 at 11:57 AM <rsbec...@nexbridge.com> wrote:
> > > The interpretation of a bad shebang is platform-specific and has no
> > > single consistent interpretation.
> >
> > I am not convinced that platform-specific handling is not practical,
> > given that there is already a bunch of ifdefs going on in the code.
> Yes, but they are largely for supporting completely different OSs, like
> Windows, VMS, AmigaOS, etc.  We generally hope to not have to support
> differences in behavior between BSD, Linux, different libc
> implementations like GNU, MacOS, etc. etc.
> In in any event, in order to have this work, make would have to detect
> the failure, then open the first line of the file and parse it to see
> if it started with #! (only on systems where this is supported) then if
> so parse the #! line to see what the interpreter path was, then examine
> the interpreter path to determine its status.
> It could be done but it's not pretty; also see below.
> > How about this then: try to do the optimisation, but if `execve`
> > fails (for whatever reason), silently fallback to calling the shell
> > and letting it report the error?
> This has been considered and might be implemented.  It's not quite so
> pretty however because make forks a new process then runs exec, and
> it's not until the latter that we actually determine if there's an
> issue or not.  This means that the reworking of the command must be
> done in the forked process.  This is messy since we use vfork where
> available and the things you can do in a vfork'd process before exec
> are much more limited.  For example, things like allocating memory are
> not a good idea.
> Again, it could be done but it's not simple.  Probably what we'd have
> to do is compute both the fast-path and slow-path invocations in the
> parent make, so that the forked process could use either one without
> having to construct anything on its own.

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