Follow-up Comment #2, bug #63347 (project make):

Yes, this is changed in this release; please see the NEWS file :

* WARNING: Backward-incompatibility!
  Previously makefile variables marked as export were not exported to
  started by the $(shell ...) function.  Now, all exported variables are
  exported to $(shell ...). [...]

If you don't want a sub-make to receive the command-line overrides, you can
reset it via `MAKEOVERRIDES`; see

An option that I _think_ does what you want might be:

get_conf_var = $(shell $(MAKE) -C lib -s get_conf_var)

all: $(get_conf_var)
        @echo $(get_conf_var)

all: private MAKEOVERRIDES :=


$ make --version | head -n1
GNU Make 4.4

$ make CONF_VAR=bar
called target foo

Another option you can use to be more specific BUT which requires GNU Make 4.4
and won't work with earlier versions is to use the new *let* function :

get_conf_var = $(shell $(MAKE) -C lib -s get_conf_var)

all: $(get_conf_var)
        @echo $(let MAKEOVERRIDES,,$(get_conf_var))

Personally I think that relying on this odd quirk of shell behavior is hard
for people to understand, especially in the old behavior where you got
different results from running the shell function in different contexts.  It
seems to me that finding a better way that made this requirement more explicit
would be much cleaner.


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