On Mon, 2022-11-14 at 13:29 +0900, KO Myung-Hun wrote:
> ./autopull.sh: getting translations into po/.reference for make...
> ERROR: cannot verify translationproject.org's certificate, issued by
> 'CN=R3,O=Let\'s Encrypt,C=US':
>   Issued certificate has expired.
> To connect to translationproject.org insecurely, use
> `--no-check-certificate'.

I have checked and the translationproject.org's certificate has not
expired.  When I see this issue it usually means that your local system
has an incorrect root certificate installed.  See for example:


(obviously this is on Ubuntu so it's not exactly your problem, but it's
probably something like that).

Unfortunately it doesn't appear there's any command-line way to modify
the options provided to wget in the autopull.sh script.

If you're not able to figure out how to fix your root certificates I
guess you'll have to modify the bootstrap-funclib.sh file and change
these lines:

  "wget --mirror --level=1 -nd -nv -A.po -P '%s' \

to add in the --no-check-certificates option as suggested by the error

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