On Sun, 2022-12-25 at 02:29 +0100, Giangiacomo Zaffini wrote:
> I cannot see where
> sed -e "s/$/ \\/"
> can be wrong on Windows command line or Windows PowerShell.

It's because, apparently, cmd.exe sees the "\\" and turns it into a
single "\" before it invokes the command.  Then the syntax is:

  sed -e 's/$/ \/'

which is not legal because the backslash escapes the trailing slash,
and now there's no trailing slash for the s/// operator.  So you get an

If I'm in cmd.exe and I use Perl to show how cmd.exe will interpret the
command line (using Perl because I know it will be installed if someone
is running the GNU make test suite; you could use something else if you

  C:\Users\user> perl -e "print $ARGV[0];" "s/$/ \\/"
  s/$/ \/

note how there's only one "\" here which is wrong and gives an error
when passed to sed (at least, my version of sed).  On the other hand if
I run this:

  C:\Users\user> perl -e "print $ARGV[0];" "s/$/ \\\/"
  s/$/ \\/

now see how the "\" is escaped, as it should be, and now sed would be
happy with this.

> On the other hand, as reported, it is true that original sed command
> is correct on MSYS/mingw64/mingw32

I don't understand what you mean here.  MSYS/mingw64/mingw32 is not a
command interpreter, it's a subsystem description.

> gzaff@LAPTOP-6HAJ0RG0 MSYS /c/Users/gzaff/Devs/make
> $ echo static const char *const GUILE_module_defn = \" \\> src/gmk-
> default.h

This is a POSIX shell, it's irrelevant what the behavior is in a POSIX
shell since we're working with a cmd.exe batch file (bootstrap.bat).

> I don't know, maybe understanding if bootstrap.bat is running under
> MSYS2/mingw64/mingw32 bash
> or 
> Windows command line/Windows PowerShell 
> and use correct sed syntax for the case ?

Again I didn't understand this, sorry.  How can we run a .bat file
"under bash"?  Bash is a POSIX shell: it can't interpret a .bat file.

If you have a POSIX shell, you should be running "bootstrap" which is a
shell script, not "bootstrap.bat" which is a batch file.

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