Update of bug #64472 (project make):

                  Status:                    None => Not A Bug              
             Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed                 


Follow-up Comment #3:

I think there's some confusion.  The section you are reading is simply
describing some tips for writing portable makefiles.  If you use those
utilities your makefiles are more likely than not to be portable across
POSIX-based systems.

That section doesn't mean to say that every one of those utilities also has an
associated variable defined as a built-variable in make.

The variables specifically listed on that page exist.  No other utility on
that page has a variable associated with it.

I agree that the text "Additional utilities that can be used via Make
variables are" is misleading but this just means that you could use these
utilities via make variables (if you created the make variables).  It's not
intending to say that these variables already exist.

To me this entire section is not really useful anymore, or at least large
parts of it are not useful: POSIX systems are far more compatible, and lots of
people use GNU Make on non-POSIX systems (like Windows) which aren't
well-served by this section.

You can run "make -pf/dev/null" to see all the built-in rules and variables in
your instance of GNU Make.


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