Thanks for trying to help me understanding this issue.

### BEGIN Makefile
FOO +=
build/%: BAR +=
build/release: ; @echo "FOO='$(FOO)' BAR='$(BAR)'"
### END

# changes BAR in unexpected ways; see 1) and 2) below
$ make FOO=X BAR=Y


# this works as expected
$ env FOO=X BAR=Y make

1) how can the expression "BAR +=" duplicate the contents of BAR ?

2) and I had expected that BAR is immutable anyway, just like FOO


On 2023-09-27 16:51, Bahman Movaqar wrote:
> I certainly tried out your snippet the first time before replying 🙂
> To my mind, what you're missing is the fact that `build/% : BAR +=' is
> evaluated as part of `build/release'.
> It is no different than the following snippet from the manual:
> 🙶
> objects = foo.o bar.o
> foo.o : defs.h
> bar.o : defs.h test.h
> $(objects) : config.h
> 🙸
> In the above snippet, last line is not recipe for for `$(objects)'. 
> However, it does mutate its prerequisites.
> In the same vein, line #2 of your snippet, while not being a recipe for
> `build/release', updates its prerequisites (in this case just a
> variable.)
> See
> Does that make sense?

Markus Oberhumer, <>,

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