On Wed, 2023-11-15 at 08:54 +0100, Jean-François Hicter wrote:
> ==> Lancement de build()…
> make : option invalide -- 'D'

Indeed, "-D" is not a valid option for GNU Make.

However, we cannot help more than that because the makefile you are
using has disabled all the normal output, which means we can't see the
command line being invoked.

You can try running "make --trace" if you have a sufficiently-new
version of GNU Make and it will print the command line being invoked. 
Otherwise you'll have to find this rule in the makefile and see what
it's doing.

Alternatively, and probably more productively, you can ask for help
from the people who created the Obs Shader Filter software and
presumably know more about their build system.  This is a problem with
their makefiles, not with GNU Make itself.


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