
                 Summary: GNU Make deletes intermediate targets that are
pattern-rule dependancies
                   Group: make
               Submitter: pablorackham
               Submitted: sam. 02 déc. 2023 16:42:27
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: None
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
       Component Version: None
        Operating System: None
           Fixed Release: None
           Triage Status: None


Follow-up Comments:

Date: sam. 02 déc. 2023 16:42:27    By: Pablo Rackham <pablorackham>
Hello all,

I believe a GNU Make behavior I just stumbled upon should qualify as a bug, as
it completely break the principle of least surprise for the user, as well as
the philosophy of the Make tool.

*How Make is expected to work:*
Usually, targets that are built as dependancies by Make are not deleted. That
is even the essence of why Make is useful: if it needs to build some .o object
file from .c and .h source files when it is asked to build a binary, it will
do so and keep the .o files there for next time to avoid rebuilding them

*Bug reproduction:*
This behavior is broken when the specified target uses a %-pattern. See for
example this _Makefile_:

foo%: foo%.txt
        cat $<
foo%.txt: foo%.sh
        sh $< > $@

*Expected behavior:*
Given this _Makefile_, and how Make is expected to work, I would expect that:

* running `make foo1` a first time will run _./foo1.sh_, save its output to
_foo1.txt_, and then show the content of _foo1.txt_ ;
* running `make foo1` a second time, since the _foo1.txt_ file is already
there and since _foo1.sh_ has not been modified since the first run, it should
just show the content of _foo1.txt_.

*Actual behavior:*
Given this _Makefile_, running `make foo1` will run _./foo1.sh_, save its
output to _foo1.txt_, then show the content of _foo1.txt_, *and then it will
rm _foo1.txt_*.
This behavior causes Make to rerun the _.sh_ files to rebuild the _.txt_ files
every time.

I'm aware of what GNU Make calls "chains", and the documentation explicitely
says that intermediate files of _implicit_ chains are deleted (the given
example is a .c file that is auto-generated from a .y file), but in my example
the chain should not be considered implicit: all the rules are written in the
Makefile, they are not default rules that are implicitely there.


I'm aware that I can add `.SECONDARY:` to tell Make not to delete intermediate
targets, but I believe it should not happen at all with explicitely written

Imagine a _Makefile_ that, over time, comes to look like this:

foo1: foo1.txt
        cat $<
foo2: foo2.txt
        cat $<
foo3: foo3.txt
        cat $<
fooN: fooN.txt
        cat $<

foo%.txt: foo%.sh
        sh $< > $@

It's only natural to rewrite it as in the example given above to reproduce the
undesired behavior. Except that the rewrite, which looks just like a sensical
simple refactoring is actually completely changing the behavior.


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