On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 2:16 PM Paul Smith <psm...@gnu.org> wrote:
> > If the only goal was to allow +:= create a simple variable, then can
> > we do the following?
> > "If no variable with this name exists, then +:= creates a simple
> > variable, and +:::= creates an immediately-expanded-and-escaped
> > variable. Otherwise, +:= and +:::= behave the same as +=".
> > If we go with this, then there is no need for +!=, because +!= would
> > behave as +=. Similarly, there is no need for +::=, because +::=
> > would behave as +:=.
> I agree that we don't need to treat +:= and +::= differently.  They are
> just different names for the same operator.
> The variable assignment operators describe two things: how to handle
> the RHS value and what the resulting flavor of the variable will be.
> Although we have four assignment operators, once the assignment is
> complete there are only two flavors of variables: either recursive or
> simple:
>   =    - Don't expand the RHS, --> recursive variable
>   :=   - Expand the RHS, --> simple variable
>   ::=  - Expand the RHS, --> simple variable
>   :::= - Expand and escape the RHS, --> recursive variable
>   !=   - Run the RHS as a shell script, --> recursive variable.
> If an appending operator is applied to a variable that doesn't exist
> already, then the behavior is the same as if we used the non-appending
> operator in all cases.  So if the variable doesn't exist, "+=" behaves
> like "=", "+:=" behaves like ":=", "+::=" behaves like "::=", "+:::="
> behaves like ":::=", and "+!=" behaves like "!=".  That's simple.
> What about a variable that does exist already?
> I think that we can agree that the append operator cannot change the
> type of a variable that already exists.  If the variable was recursive
> before it must stay recursive afterward; the same for simple variables.

Why is that? Why not say
X +:= Y
behaves similar to
X := $(X) $(Y)
(the difference being that the space is added only if X is nonempty)?
That would make documentation simpler.

I was impressed by the realization that + can be treated as an
assignment modifier just like ?. I expect that someone will inevitably
ask for !:= as well, even though ! cannot be considered an assignment
modifier. How far do we go?

"+!:=" could mean append simply expanded shell output to a variable
that retains its type.

"+:!:=" could mean append simply expanded shell output to a simply
expanded variable.


- Jouke

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