Follow-up Comment #4, bug #54854 (group make):

[comment #3 comment #3:]
> If by "a warning (or a note)" you mean something printed by GNU Make,
instead of content in the documentation (this is already described there) then
no, we can't do that, because this behavior has many uses, and is used in many
situations and in many thousands of makefiles.  Generating messages would not
be appropriate.

I see.

How about adding the warning/note if -d is specified? This surely won't be as
disturbing and could still help if somebody debugs broken builds.

Is there any use case where this is the desired behavior? I can see builds
breaking because of this (multiple invocations of the same rule) but not any
valid ones. The condition to issue the warning shouldn't be very common (-j N
&& N > 1 && rule with multiple target is invoked with no patterns)

Finally I would like to note that there is a similar case where Make issues a
warning. I believe when -j is used with a submake $(MAKE) without a plus sign
(+). That warning was very helpful for me at least.

Thanks anyway.


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