jdd wrote:

    With MBR disks, this problem doesn't occur, because Linux has its own
    unique partition type code (0x83), and Windows doesn't try to access
    partition types it doesn't understand.

windows always flag as free and formatable a linux partition as far as I know

I could have sworn those were always hidden in Windows, but I just checked, and Windows XP does seem to show at least some Linux partitions. Windows Vista and 7 do not, though; they hide Linux MBR partitions, at least on my installations.

Most varieties of XP don't understand GPT, but with Windows Vista and 7, using something other than the Microsoft Basic Data GUID code does hide the partition from the Computer window, and the Disk Management tool grays out the option to format the volume. Feel free to experiment with a USB flash drive, external hard disk, or whatever is convenient to verify this. (You could do this in parted by using various flags, like the "lvm flag," as a stand-in for a new type code; or you can use my gdisk, which lets you set a wide variety of type codes, even by entering a raw GUID value.)

Rod Smith

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