OK nevermind. This didn't come up in my original search. So the fix is going to 
happen for parted, it's just a matter of time.

I will excerpt from this email:

> I alos recommend changing "boot" flag in parted for GPT disk to
> something more meaningful like efisys. Many devs (of distro
> installers) are confused as to how to set a partition as EFI SYSTEM
> type in GPT disks and they do not know that "boot" in GPT disks sets a
> partition as EFISYS unlike the same flag in MBR disks.

This is the exact problem I mentioned earlier. parted's 'boot' flag has a 
completely different effect between MBR and GPT disks. Distro installers are 
continuing to set the 'boot' flag on GPT disks as they did on MBR disks, for 
linux boot partitions. This erroneously makes them "EFI System" partitions.

Chris Murphy
bug-parted mailing list

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