On Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS

> $ sudo parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart primary 0 8000
> parted: invalid token: primary
> Error: Expecting a file system type.
> The man page says:
> mkpart part-type [fs-type] start end
>                      Make a part-type partition with filesystem fs-type
> (if specified), beginning at  start  and  ending  at  end  (by default
> in megabytes).   fs-type  can  be  one of "fat16", "fat32", "ext2",
> "HFS", "linux-swap", "NTFS", "reiserfs", or "ufs".  part-type
>                      should be one of "primary", "logical", or "extended".


Why is the legal status of chardonnay different to that of cannabis? 
                  r...@worik.org 021-1680650, (03) 4821804
                          Aotearoa (New Zealand)
                             I voted for love

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