Many thanks to Terry Moore's response on the comment on a possible block size 

I would like to add that, I re-ran the same job again, but this time, without 
the use of the -F nexttape switch:

frost:~ # mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
frost:~ # mt -f /dev/nst0 setblk 0
frost:~ # time tar -b 2048 -xv -M -k -C 
/group_workspaces/cems/globalalbedo/JMP036L5 -f /dev/nst0 1>>/tmp/JMP036L5.lis3
Prepare volume #2 for `/dev/nst0' and hit return:

When the tape comes to its end, it stays there.
The tar command did not fail, but prompts for the 2nd  volume.

>From another window, I can do mtx next
to swap the tape with the next.

Back to the tar prompt, just hit enter, the tar retrieval process continues 
with the new tape.

Does that imply that the nexttape script I use somehow triggered the tar 
process getting the "Device or resource busy" errors?
If so, I could modify the nexttape script to wait a few minutes before it 
switches the tapes, and then wait a few more minutes at the end.

Unfortunately a LTO5 tape can take over 10 hours to get to the end of tape, 
this is not something can be easily tested.


From: Chiu, Peter (STFC,RAL,RALSP)
Sent: 01 February 2013 11:30
Cc: Chiu, Peter (STFC,RAL,RALSP)
Subject: GNU tar 1.26: multi-volume continuation issue


This is not really a bug, but a request for help solve a problem we have
in using tar to read a multi-volume set of LTO5 tapes.

We have received a few sets of LTO5 tapes, knowing it was written using the 
command at source site:

   tar --create -v --multi-volume --new-volume-script=/etc/tape/ \
   --totals --blocking-factor 2048 --file=/dev/nst0 -C /disk  /disk/foo 
/disk/bar /disk/bazz

We have a SUSE Enterprise Server 11 Sp2 host connected with a Quantum 
Superloader3 8-slots and 1 LTO5 tape drive.
The tape drive is set up (as default) in random mode, allowing the host to 
query and maneuver the tapes.

Having placed the first volume tape (tape 3 with barcode JM036L5) into the 
drive, I used the following commands

mt -f /dev/nst0 setblk 0

time tar -b 2048 -xv -M -k -F /csupport/script/nexttape \
  -C /group_workspaces/cems/globalalbedo/JMP036L5 -f /dev/nst0 1>>/tmp/JMP036L5.

where my nexttape contains:
. /etc/profile
if [ "${ThisLog}" == "" ]
echo "`date`-`hostname -s` unload current tape ..." >> $ThisLog
mtx next
mt -f /dev/nst0 setblk 0
echo "`date`-`hostname -s` loaded in the next tape:" >> $ThisLog
mtx status >> $ThisLog

The above command started off reading the 1st volume, but fails with this erro:
frost:/csupport/script # time tar -b 2048 -xv -M -k -F /csupport/script/nexttape
  -C /group_workspaces/cems/globalalbedo/JMP036L5 -f /dev/nst0 1>>/tmp/JMP036L5.
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Device or resource busy
tar: Too many errors, quitting
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

real    185m56.158s
user    0m21.693s
sys     10m43.264s

While the log in /tmp/nexttape.log shows:
frost:/csupport/script # less /tmp/nexttape.log
Thu Jan 31 22:59:07 GMT 2013-frost unload current tape ...
Thu Jan 31 23:02:35 GMT 2013-frost loaded in the next tape:
  Storage Changer /dev/changer:1 Drives, 8 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 4 Loaded):VolumeTag = JMP037L5

      Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=JMP034L5
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=JMP035L5
      Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=JMP036L5
      Storage Element 4:Empty
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=JMP038L5
      Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=JMP039L5
      Storage Element 7:Full :VolumeTag=JMP040L5
      Storage Element 8:Full :VolumeTag=JMP041L5

That means tape 4 has been loaded, but some how,
the tar command fails to continue with the above error.

Does anyone have any idea of what could be the cause?

Many thanks.


Peter Chiu

STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Scanned by iCritical.

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