Joerg Schilling schrieb:
Markus Steinborn <> wrote:

(2a) tar archive creation without "--numeric-owner" option:

In GNU tar 1.26, for every file the owner is stored both, symbolic and
numeric. I would expect that ACLs are stored in both ways, too. star
shows us how to do that:

star stores the numeric owner in a forth field of an acl: (e.g.
Correct, this is an extension to the ACL format that was needed to allow ACLs
to be archivable in a reliable way at all.

Well, I have to notice that this is not fixed before release of an ACL anbeled tar. So every tar archive created with GNU tar 1.27 does not store ACLs in a reliable way.

Expect bug reports what that breaks... I would expect to break everything with numeric owner option.

Greetungs from Germany

Markus Steinborn
GNU gv maintainer

PS: Not good - now I've got to fix tar myself to have a usable tar again... Good luck there are GPL-Codes I can copy extracts from.

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