On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 11:24 PM, Linda A. Walsh <g...@tlinx.org> wrote:
> How are you setting your cygwin variable?

I was using export command:
export CYGWIN="system nodosfilewarning winsymlinks:native export"

>  It needs to be set before
> any cygwin processes start.

> I.e. in controlpanel->system->, advanced, environment variables.
> Best to set in System variables so all users will be sure to have it set.

Okay, I have tried by this way as well, but results are same.

Please see results:

edb@WIN-J9UR5I3UTSM /data
$ ls -l pg_tblspc/
total 1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 edb None 15 Jul  5 10:16 16386 -> /cygdrive/c/tbs

Now here point to note is that it is showing the link, even
though it is just a symbol file.

edb@WIN-J9UR5I3UTSM /data

$ cd pg_tblspc/
edb@WIN-J9UR5I3UTSM /data/pg_tblspc
$ ls -l
total 1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 edb None 15 Jul  5 10:16 16386 -> /cygdrive/c/tbs

edb@WIN-J9UR5I3UTSM /data/pg_tblspc
$ cd 16386
-bash: cd: 16386: No such file or directory

edb@WIN-J9UR5I3UTSM /data/pg_tblspc
$ cmd

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]

(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\cygwin64\data\pg_tblspc>ls -l
ls -l
total 1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 edb None 15 Jul  5 10:16 16386 -> /cygdrive/c/tbs


 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is F049-7E4C

 Directory of C:\cygwin64\data\pg_tblspc

07/05/2014  10:16 AM    <DIR>          .
07/05/2014  10:16 AM    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   1,508,360,192 bytes free


I have noticed one minor difference between the 2 versions of
CYGWIN as below, though it seems mine is more latest, but
don't know if it can cause such a behaviour difference.

>> > CYGWIN_NT-6.1 Athenae

At this moment, it is quite hard to believe that I am doing any
basic mistake due to which I am not able to see behaviour as yours,
do you think installation or something else needs to be taken care
in this regard?

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

> Amit Kapila wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Linda A. Walsh <g...@tlinx.org <mailto:
g...@tlinx.org>> wrote:
>> > Amit Kapila wrote
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Please extract in order as mentioned to ensure that symlink folder
>> >> gets extracted first.
>> >> Please check contents of C:\Data\pg_tblspc, ideally it should contain
>> >> symlink to C:\tbs.
>> >
>> > ---
>> > It appears to work as you are wanting it to (console output below).
>> Thats great.
>> > But I also note that if they are created in the wrong order (something
>> > that would work on linux).  -- then I get the behavior you mention:
>> >
>> > instead of a symlink, I get a file containing text:
>> >
>> > C:\data\pg_tblspc>hexdump -C 16386
>> > 00000000  21 3c 73 79 6d 6c 69 6e  6b 3e ff fe 63 00 3a 00
>> > 00000010  5c 00 74 00 62 00 73 00  00 00
>> > 0000001a
>> I am always getting file having contents as above.
>> >
>> > This might have to do with the version of cygwin you have.
>> >
>> > You might make sure your cygwin is up to date -- as I vaguely remember
>> > somewhat older versions of 'cygwin' didn't create actual windows
>> > symlinks and hardlinks but created dummy files with the information
>> > in them (like you are seeing).  But that changed... maybe 2-4 years
>> >
>> > If you are running on a 64-bit windows, there is also a 64-bit
>> > cygwin that runs in native mode that gives some advantages over
>> > 32-bit  cygwin on a 64-bit machine (like 32-bit processes can't
>> > see the real C:\windows\system32, but are redirected to
>> > syswow64 = windows[32] on windows64)
>> >
>> > you can tell which version you are running by running uname -a:
>> > CYGWIN_NT-6.1 Athenae 1.7.30(0.272/5/3) 2014-05-23 10:36 x86_64 Cygwin
>> >
>> > 32-bit cygwin would say:
>> > CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 Athenae 1.7.28(0.271/5/3) 2014-02-09 21:06 i686
>> >
>> I am working Windows 64-bit and uname -a gives below info
>> on my m/c.
>> CYGWIN_NT-6.2 WIN-J9UR5I3UTSM 1.7.30(0.272/5/3) 2014-05-23 10:36 x86_64
>> I have downloaded cygwin for windows64-bit from below link:
>> https://www.cygwin.com/install.html
>> Do I need to update my cygwin installation, any recommendation
>> for same?
>> With Regards,
>> Amit Kapila.

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