I am trying to do LVM snapshot backups.

Whatever option I use, thus far, Tar will "complain" that all directories have changed from one backup to the next.

Two identical commands except for the output file:

tar -cvvf /backup/local-first.tar -g /backup/local-first.lst --atime-preserve=system -C /snap . &> /backup/local-1.log

tar -cvvf /backup/local-second.tar -g /backup/local-first.lst --atime-preserve=system -C /snap2 . &> /backup/local-2.log

Done off of two different snaphots.

Output of the second log file:

tar: .: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./bin: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./games: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./include: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./lib: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./lib64: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./lost+found: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./man: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./sbin: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./share: Directory has been renamed
tar: ./src: Directory has been renamed

And so on.

It will simply recreate all those "changed" directories in the new archive, effectively storing all the same files.

Is there a solution to this?

tar (GNU tar) 1.28

Oh, never mind. I think I found the --no-check-device option. I had remembered reading about it but I forgot.

Damn this has been hard again....


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