Hello there,
>> tar-1.33/src/buffer.c:1733:25: style: Variable 'st.orig_file_name' is 
>> reassigned a value before the old one >has been used. [redundantAssignment]

>As a matter of fact, its value *is* used before reasignment.  By 

Agreed. The static analyser tool cppcheck has merely noticed that 
is not written to between lines 1729 and 1733.

I notice that the only field of struct st that function xheader_format_name
uses is orig_file_name. Would it be better to replace the struct st parameter
of the function with a const char * parameter ?

Something like

char *
xheader_format_name (const char * orig_file_name, const char *fmt, size_t n)


David Binderman

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