Hey! So I recently ran into an issue regarding directory ownership changes when extracting certain tar files.
*How to reproduce:* You can test this out locally like so with docker Start a new alpine container *docker run -it --rm alpine ash* Create some random folder structure to archive *mkdir -p ~/test/folder* Change to test dir *cd ~/test* Change ownership to something random *chown -R 1234:1234 .* Create an archive like so *tar -zcf test.tar.gz .* And extract it somewhere *tar -zxf test.tar.gz -C /var* Now the /var ownership is *1234:1234* *The implications:* This means that if for example I extract the archive that is created in a similar manner to for example /root, it will mess up the root directory ownership (possibly) and can pretty much brick the instance I understand that there are flags regarding ownership and permissions when extracting archives, but I do think that using the . should not make it so that after extracting the archive it changes ownership of the target directory [image: Printful Logo] <https://printful.com/> Karlis Abele, System Administrator & DevOps Engineer Phone: 28 466 009 <+37128466009> Email: karlis.ab...@printful.com Website: www.printful.com <http://printful.com/> [image: Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/printful/> [image: Twitter] <https://twitter.com/Printful> [image: Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/printfulhq/> [image: Youtube] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnzsJ4Wvmug35USak9mGx3w>