Current makeinfo when processing @docbook ... @end docbook leaves off
    the trailing newline.

I can't tell you how much hassle that the trailing newline before @end is.
In some cases it is absolutely neeeded.  In other cases it absolutely
needs to be ignored.  I see no way to get it right.  (It's even worse
with @macro.)

This is one of the main reasons why we invented the
@inline... conditionals, which do not ignore trailing whitespace.  See
the Inline Conditionals node.

It seems that, in practice, newlines are not ignored at the end of
@if... conditionals, but are ignored at the end of raw conditionals.

    so that the result doesn't run together 

<span></span> would be a true no-op, if that's what you want.

Another approach is apparently to use an empty comment:
stuff where you want the newline...
@end docbook

I'm sure there are other ways.  But I don't think trying to alter
newline-keeping/removing behavior again would be fruitful.

        peformance, while

peformance -> performance 


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